Why Even Good Men Find It So Hard To Commit Today

Single and Successful?  Do you find that making sense of men is more and more challenging today?  If being in a committed intimate relationship is important to you, consider that being successful is not your most attractive quality… at least, not when it comes to men and marriage.

Contrary to popular belief, men are very sensitive creatures, when it comes to choosing a mate.  Within minutes of meeting a woman, a man will know if she is a potential long-term relationship partner, a quick fling just for the weekend, or simply a good friend. 

The attraction is not a choice, and it’s either there or not.  While women are known to justify their choices, men are much more authentic in finding a mate.  Since men are not compelled to get married, or pressured by a biological clock when they commit to marriage, it’s with integrity, and it means a great deal of responsibility.  While women are more likely to marry at the right time, men are known to look for the right woman. 

The question is: what makes YOU the right woman? What attracts a man to one woman and not another?  And what makes him move to the next level and commit to you, and only YOU.

There are two types of attraction:  Physical and Emotional.  Physical attraction propels men to want to have sex with you, and it’s a pure animal instinct.  Often relationships start with pure physical attraction, something we call “chemistry”.  If the chemistry is all we have, it will eventually wear off… and off we go looking for the next partner.  Some of the qualities that trigger physical attraction are the healthiness of your hair (instinct tells men that a woman with healthy thick hair can bear children), the size of your hips, or rather hip-to-waist ratio, the size and shape of your body, the way you move, and the way you own your sensual sexual self.  A woman, who is in touch with her senses, and knows how to enjoy herself and experience pleasure, will project more sexual energy out, and that’s a quality that men find very attractive in a woman… it’s an instant magnet.  If this makes you think that men are shallow, think again.  As we said, the attraction is not a choice, and it’s triggered by instinct in your body.  It is very primal. The good news is that for every “female body type”, there is a man out there, who is absolutely crazy about it. 

No need to change yourself with fancy diets, just be the best YOU that you can be… it is a much more authentic way to attract the right partner.

Emotional attraction is what makes a man want to marry you and spend the rest of his life with you.  While physical attraction is important, without emotional attraction, a man may have a lot of fun and spend passionate nights with you… but will not feel compelled to marry.  As women, we often mistake physical attraction for emotional attraction, and we act surprised when men fail to take the next step.  Emotional attraction makes a man feel protective of you, it triggers his primal instinct to provide for you and protect you from the “dangers” of the world.

Sadly, what triggers the emotional attraction in a man, are some of the qualities that we consider a weakness in today’s culture.   Men are emotionally attracted to women, who have the confidence to be vulnerable and speak their hearts (not their mind), women who are open and passionate, who have a strong sense of self and live an authentic life.  As women become more and more involved with business, profession, and success, we get more detached from these qualities.  We even take it a step further and make these qualities wrong.  A woman, who lives in her head all the time, will lose some of her attractiveness, that magnetic power that draws men to her in an instant.  Life in the business world teaches women that being vulnerable is a weakness, emotions are not to be expressed, or even felt, and we end up throwing away the very qualities that make us attractive to a man.  Luckily, these are the qualities that every woman possesses, they are at her disposal, just by being a woman – women are born with magnetic attractive power

Nature by design.

When the attraction is present, both physical and emotional, that’s when the real relationship begins.  It is not the end, but rather the beginning; it’s the empty canvas to start painting the picture of “us”.  Attraction can not be forced, and until men experience it, a marriage proposal is not in the making.   However, attraction alone will not give you the full picture.  It is the framework; it tells a man that there is a possibility here.  Then they go searching for the missing pieces… which tells them if a relationship will really work. 

And it’s not out of fear or lack of commitment.  Men are very authentic when it comes to marriage, and if the missing pieces don’t add up… it is hard and almost impossible for them to cross the line.  Instinct tells them it is out of integrity to commit. To find out the missing pieces that make a man choose YOU as his wife, stay tuned for our next post.

Makes sense? Of course, it does. You are smart, and this is why I am talking to you… You get this. Now let’s go and practice. Have some fun with these insights and share your successes with us – this is how we learn and grow as women. For more relationship tips and to end your frustrations with men, join the Instaglam Club, where women like you and me, Sassy, Savvy and Successful hang out and support each other… together we make this world a better place for all.

Share your thoughts with us in the Instaglam Club for a chance to win a trip with Massimo and Daniela in Italy.

Massimo and Daniela are the creators of “Wines and Castles” – exotic vacations for couples who wish to experience the beauty and extravagance of the noble lifestyle while creating a deeper bond in their relationship.  Occasionally, Daniela and Massimo offer trips for Single Successful women, looking for a week away to pamper their spirit and learn to attract the man that they desire.  Visit www.LaBellaVitaLifestyle.com for information on upcoming events and to book your spot.